corrupt visual c++ makefile for CIN/Labview
(too old to reply)
2008-06-20 21:40:07 UTC
Hi.I'm trying to run a simple Visual C++ file in LabVIEW by using CIN.  However, I'm having trouble compiling the source code in Windows.I followed the online help and created a Makefile (buffer.mak):name=buffertype=CINcinlibraries=Kernel32.libCINTOOLSDIR=c:\Progra~1\Nation~1\LabVIE~1\cintools\!include <$(CINTOOLSDIR)\ntlvsb.mak>I saved this file in the same folder as my .c file, and then when I tried to open the .mak file into Visual c++ I recieved the following prompt:The project 'buffer.mak' must be converted to the current Visual C++ project format.  After it has been converted, you will not be able to edit this project in previous versions of Visual Studio.  Convert and open this project?I selected Yes, and then recieved the error:Cannot load the project due to a corrupt project fileI'm at a loss of what to do, seeing as I can't load the .lsb file into LabVIEW without a working Makefile.Any amount of help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Dennis Knutson
2008-06-23 14:10:09 UTC
<a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=90&thread.id=1296" target="_blank">duplicate post!</a>